
Gatherings are evening events happening approximately every two months, a kind of lecture / discussion with the input of an invited guest, sometimes combined with small physical try-outs, or other practical proposals.

The Gatherings always ends with a soup prepared by the Playground team. An invitation to stay, eat, or drink a wine together.

The topics of the Gatherings  often revolve around care, solidarity, queering, the political responsibility and situatedness of our artistic work.

Previous guests have been, among others:

Martin Schick with “Radikant artistic being”, Florian Malzacher with “The Art of Assembly XXII”, Myassa Kraitt Königin der Macht with “Community as Rebellion”, Jonathan Burrows with “Rethinking choreography”, Adam Linder with “Mothering the tongue”, Deufert und Plitschke with “Body Anarchiv”, Tanja Ehrart with “On Accessibility”, Claire Lefèvre with “Radical softness”, Barbara Raes with “Farewell rituals”, Eric Thielemans with “On resonance”, Jack Halberstam with “Tans anarchitechtures”, Bojana Kunst with “Transversal lines of care”...