About the Playground
The Playground is a studio space for dialogue and experimentation, located in the HALLE6 on the grounds of the creative quarter in Munich.
Beside hosting rehearsals and meetings of Anna Konjetzky & Co, as well as other Munich artists and initiatives, the Studio opens its doors with its own program from theory to practice, and vice versa: Sharing our artistic curiosity and commitment, gathering different communities around a queer-feminist discourse and physical investigations.
The body is approached as a field of negotiation and experimentation, to explore and question our society, our coexistence and our future.
The feminist approach is not just a perspective, but a tool for critical questioning, and critical experiencing. Thinking from the body also means thinking about how one's own body is situated, socialized and constructed.
The Playground is a place of continuous artistic research, of physical knowledge production, and
of knowledge exchange.
The Playground was founded in 2019 by Anna Konjetzky. Anna Konjetzky's choreographic approach is deeply anchored in a socio-political discourse, questioning and interrogating our 'contemporary' bodies. Understanding choreography as “bodies in contexts, in relation to other bodies and spaces", brings the urgency not only to negotiate dance in a performative setting, but also to understand the practice, the COLLECTIVE practice, as a possibility to question perspectives and make different points of view visible.
To remain changing with and through other bodies. This is how Konjetzky's Playground has become a shared place, the Playground Gbr, consisting of Anna Konjetzky, Quindell Orton, Susanne Schneider and Sahra Huby.
Over the years, we have developed various regular and irregular formats that invite participants into practice (such as the monthly training for everybody, the Practice Sharings for professional artists, or the PLAY-…format), as well as discursive outputs (such as our Gathering series).
The Playground is concerned with how to practice solidarity and mutual support between artists and artist- run spaces, and has offered different programs and activities from grants to residencies with this in focus.
For all these events, it is important to us to position ourselves not as a commercial, but rather as an artistic venue which opens its doors as low-threshold as possible, facilitating a casual, welcoming setting.